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As organizations across the world embark on their digital transformation journey, cloud-based technologies have become the need of the hour...
Intellectual property rights means much more than just inventions and patents. To realize and enable different income streams, IP portfolio...
“Service is not just a Duty, it is a Delight” When People think about insurance what they really try to...
It is hard to argue against the fact that digital transformation has significantly impacted the healthcare sector. The advent of...
In Candid Conversation with TBF “Lindsey Myers” Founder, Concrete Blonde Consulting spoke about her professional journey and gave a sneak...
Matrix Comsec, a leading manufacturer and provider of Security and Telecom solutions, was conferred with the CII Industrial Innovation Award,...
Matrix Comsec, a leading manufacturer of telecom and security products, was conferred with the prestigious 45th ELCINA Award for Excellence...
The trends of the consulting industry will entirely be molded by the impacts and influences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The...
The next time you buy or renew your debit or credit card, ask for a contactless card instead of a...
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